Employer's Human Rights Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments was created in cooperation with OPIM, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic: the Department for Gender Equality and the Government Commissioner for Human Rights
and Česká spořitelna.

The Ten Commandments refers to key documents, employer commitments and government strategic plans. The aim is to promote education and awareness of human rights in the context of
diversity, equity and inclusion and to extend initiatives to the regions.
Respect human rights, respect the dignity of every human being and strive to ensure that every individual can reach their maximum potential, regardless of their background, identity or ability.
Take measures to prevent prejudicial behaviour, discrimination, hateful and violent behaviour.

Create adequate working and learning conditions and opportunities for people with disabilities. Take steps to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities in the work or study environment.
Promote the employment of older people and dialogue between different generations in the workplace and take measures to combat ageism.
Equity & Accessibility
Respect diversity and inclusion and create inclusive and fair working and learning environments.
Gender Equality
Take measures to ensure gender equality, including pay equity, access to decision-making positions and choice of field of study and profession.
Look after the mental health and wellbeing of employees and learners.
LGBTQI + people
Implement preventive measures against discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people and strive for the safety and equality of these people.
Take steps to promote flexibility and inclusion of foreigners, national and ethnic minorities, parents and caregivers.
Education & Awareness
To promote awareness and education in the observance and implementation of the human rights principles addressed in the Employer's Human Rights Commandments.
Ceremonial Announcement at the DEI Forum 2024
Key Human Rights Documents

International commitments

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2007

EU Documments

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 2000

EU policies to strenghten equality 2023

Strategy Policy LGBTQI Equality 2020

Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027

Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027

National Legislative

Antidiskriminační zákon 2009

Government Documents, Strategies and Follow-up Action Plans

Strategie rovnosti žen a mužů 2021

Národní plán vyrovnávání opatření pro osoby se zdravotním znevýhodněním 2020

Strategický rámec přípravy na stárnutí společnosti 2021-2025

Národní akční plán pro duševní zdraví NAPDZ 2020

Strategie rovnosti, začlenění a participace Romů 2021 akt.

Koncepce integrace cizinců – Ve vzájemném respektu v roce 2024

Strategický rámec politiky zaměstnanosti do roku 2030

Other Recommended Initiatives for Employers

EU Diversity Charter 2014

Charta proti domácímu násilí 2023